Our business commitment includes the wellbeing of our people, the development of our communities, and our country, as well as caring for the environment and comprehensive corporate governance.
We are a sustainable company with a solid social commitment that promotes the comprehensive development of our people and their families, as well as the communities where we operate, through the implementation of industrial safety, equality, health, education, and sports programs. We also host events that foster family integration and a sense of belonging.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program incorporates measures that allow us to pursue our mission, vision, and objectives through the following course of action and sustainability plan:

We promote the comprehensive development of our people and their families.
We create jobs for the community and promote cultural, health, and sports activities by supporting institutions and social programs.

We stand behind our sustainable operations plan and raise awareness about how to care for the environment through good practices that will reduce the negative impact and that will advance ecological preservation activities.
We communicate the guidelines that ensure transparency and our company’s values, keeping in mind that Cotemar is a value that we all share, and that is based on our economic, social, and environmental commitment.

Por noveno año consecutivo, obtuvimos el distintivo SRC, el cual avala que somos una Empresa Socialmente Responsable por nuestra dedicación y compromiso con el bienestar de nuestros colaboradores, el cuidado y la protección del medio ambiente y la vinculación con la comunidad.